Feuillet 71ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne 2017
70ème anniversaire de la Libération
Réédition du timbre Sabine de Gandon (du T.P. de 1977)
40 000 feuillet émis
Numéro Yvert et Tellier : F5179 neuf**
Gomme d'origine intacte
Feuillet composé de la Sabine de Gandon (réédition du timbre poste type S. de Gandon 1977
Living room
The opinion of the President being preponderant... in a hurry, the second project
was finally chosen and announced to the media, after having been approved by the Council
of Ministers on October 5, 1977.
On December 17, 1977, the first two values of this first large series of commonly used stamps
printed in intaglio will be issued: the 80 green centimes for the non-urgent item and the 1 red franc
for the letter, according to the postal rate of August 2, 1976. In 1982 François Mitterrand
will replace the Sabine with a Liberty by the same artist, inspired by the painting
by Eugène Delacroix Liberty Leading the People.
40 years of Sabine by Gandon B. Gordon
Under the presidency of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the Secretary
of State for Posts and Telecommunications, Norbert Sgard,
announced in December 1976 the replacement of the
too modern Marianne by Pierre Béquet within a year. The
artist Pierre Gandon, chosen to create this new commonly
used stamp, must be inspired by the painting by
Jacques-Louis David The Sabines stopping the fight between the
Romans and the Sabines to symbolize the reconciliation of the
The choice will be long and delicate during this year 1977.
A first project is presented to the President in May. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
advises “limiting yourself to the face of the Sabine without putting the tip of your
arm there”. The second project will not be retained by the ministry's services.
was followed by a third project in September, this time presented to the President,
who asked that we underline the finesse of the features which seemed a little
Jean-Jacques Rabineau
of the Academy of Philately
- Valeur faciale du bloc
- 20€
- N° Yvert et Tellier
- F5179
- Année d'émission du timbre, bloc, carnet ...
- 2017
- Technique d'impression
- Taille Douce
- Type de collage
- Gommé
- Thématique du timbre, bloc, carnet, etc
- Salon Philathélique d'Automne
- Thématique
- Sabine
- Type de dentelures
- Dentelé 13 x 13 et 1/2