Registered office : 42 Rue de Tauzia



RCS  Bordeaux 751 532 714

The SARL EUROS D'ICI ET D'AILLEURS - BORDEAUX sells through this e-shop: euro coins and other modern coins, bullion coins, tourist medals, tourist tickets, numismatic catalogs, numismatic accessories...

To see the legal notices www.eurosnumismate.com, click here


It is specified in advance that the present conditions govern exclusively the sales concluded via this e-boutique of the products offered for sale on this site.

The present conditions are intended for consumers who have full legal capacity. These conditions apply to all orders you place on this site, whether you are a private individual or a professional.

Validation of an order implies full acceptance of these conditions, which are confirmed by the checkbox provided for this purpose on the order page.

The characteristics presented (photos, descriptions, etc.) are based on information provided by the manufacturers of the coins and accessories. It is the customer's responsibility to familiarize himself/herself with this information before making a purchase.

The conclusion of the contract is offered in French and English.  Only the original and default language, that is to say, only French has legal value.

We operate as Numismatists and are not subject to any particular professional rules..


1 The various steps involved in concluding an online contract

1.1  Register

The creation of a customer account is essential for placing an order. Any individual or legal entity may register, provided they are in full possession and enjoyment of their legal capacity.

Registration is free of charge. All mandatory fields must be completed to validate the creation of a customer account.

When you create your account, you promise on your honor to ensure that the information you provide is correct and up-to-date. You also undertake to update your information in your customer account if it changes (address, telephone, e-mail, etc.).

Professional customers, private resellers and associations are obliged to inform us of their status (and to provide their references on request) so that they can be registered as "professional customers". Failing this, we reserve the right to take any action we deem necessary.

Once your customer account has been validated, you will be given an identifier (your e-mail address) and a password, which remain personal and confidential. Under no circumstances may they be communicated to third parties. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login and password. If you suspect fraud or usurpation of your customer account, you must inform us immediately so that we can take the necessary measures.

Each customer (individual or professional) may only hold one account on our e-boutique.

In the event of non-compliance with the present conditions, we reserve the right to suspend or close a customer account without prior notice, which will result in the loss of benefits and services acquired. Orders that have been validated but not yet dispatched may also be cancelled.

In the event of suspension or deletion of a customer account, we forbid any new registration with another e-mail address or through an intermediary without our prior authorization.

In accordance with article L.122-1 of the French Consumer Code, we reserve the right to refuse registration and orders from persons, professionals or associations acting in bad faith, and/or where there is a previous dispute with the said customer.

1.2 Order

You make your selection by browsing the pages of our site. Your selections are added to your basket when you click on "add this product to basket". At any time while browsing our site, you can validate your order by clicking on "validate my order" on the Shopping Cart page.

1.3 Contract validation

When you click on "Confirm my order", a confirmation message appears. It summarizes all the products and options selected.

In this order form, you must check all the information transmitted, and in particular all the elements useful for delivery (delivery address, digicode, telephone...).

If you do not need to modify the form, you must then read the present conditions. If you accept them, you must tick the box "I have read the terms and conditions of sale and accept them unreservedly".

To proceed with your order, click on "Pay my order".

After payment (see the "payment" section of these terms and conditions), an acknowledgement of receipt will be displayed. It confirms the registration of your order and informs you that a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you as soon as possible.

The prior collection of the customer's identification details (first name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, bank details if necessary...) facilitates the stages involved in concluding the contract..

1.4 Technical means for identifying and correcting errors

At any time, you can identify and correct any errors you may have made when entering your data. If you become aware of an error after the contract has been concluded, you should contact us (click here to access the "Contact us" section).


2.   Archiving and access to the contract

We will archive contracts, order forms and invoices on a reliable and durable medium.

You have the right to access these documents. For orders of €120 or more, documents may be consulted for 10 years.


3.   Legal and contractual guarantees

3.1 Legal guarantees

In accordance with the legal provisions in force relating to the conformity of the goods to the contract, in terms of hidden defects, we will reimburse you or issue a credit note, or exchange any product which appears to be defective, damaged or does not correspond to your order.

To this end, we remind the customer to check the apparent condition of their order at the time of receipt (e.g.: a damaged parcel must be refused before opening in order to engage the responsibility of the delivery service). If there are no written reservations at the time of delivery, and at the latest within eight days of receipt, we consider that the products conform to the order.

We would like to point out that UNC and BU quality coins may have micro-scratches, scratches, stains (e.g. oil) and/or slight shocks caused during manufacture and packaging. In fact, these coins are for the most part intended for circulation (UNC)... Requests for exchange or refund of these coins for these reasons cannot be accepted, as micro-scratches, scratches, stains and shocks are not considered valid reasons. We remind you that only Belle Épreuve quality can guarantee the absence of defects.

As we accept only exceptionally and only for regular customers to supply the two different slices A & B for two-euro coins (specific request which may give rise to payment of a supplement), we specify that we do not accept returns in the event of slice errors on these special requests.

For the return of non-conforming or defective products, we will inform you of the return procedure in advance during an e-mail exchange. Do not return products without our agreement and return instructions. Failure to comply with this condition will result in the customer not being able to claim any return costs from our company.

We remind customers of their obligation to return products in the condition in which they were received, with all components, and in their original packaging. Any trace of tampering or fingerprint present on the product will be considered as a refusal to return, whatever the reason.

Damage to packages or envelopes is the responsibility of the carrier, and may only give rise to compensation as provided for by the carrier for the method of shipment used.

The legal warranty does not apply to products altered, modified or transformed by the customer.

3.2 Disclaimer

We do our utmost to satisfy you. We are responsible for the proper execution of these terms and conditions. However, we cannot be held liable for any act of God, force majeure, unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party to the contract, or non-conformity of the product with foreign legislation in the event of delivery to a country other than France.

We shall in no way be held responsible for delays in delivery by our suppliers (coin-issuing institutes, accessory suppliers) or for changes in the release date of coins; nor shall we be held responsible for delays in delivery by service providers. In all cases, we will keep our customers informed of any such delays.

Nor are we responsible for any technical difficulties or impossibilities in accessing our site or any part of it.

From the moment of delivery, ownership and responsibility for the products delivered are transferred to the customer. The conditions of use and conservation of the products delivered may create or accelerate their alteration (in particular for precious metals), which is the responsibility of the customer and cannot give rise to a request for exchange or reimbursement.


4.   Delivery times, costs and terms

4.1 Delivery terms

We will deliver the products to the address indicated on the order form.

In the event of an order being returned due to an error in the addressee's address, or an unclaimed or refused parcel, the cost of redelivery will be borne by the customer, who must pay for this before any new shipment.

We use careful packaging to ensure the safety and protection of the products ordered until they reach their destination.

However, we cannot be held responsible for damage to packaging and/or products caused by delivery services during transport.

4.2 Delivery times

We will deliver no later than the date indicated on the product sheet of the item whose issue is furthest in the future (which is an estimate, updated according to the information in our possession).

In the event of a delay in delivery, we will inform you by e-mail as soon as possible and, if possible, indicate a new date.

All items in an order will be delivered together, and therefore on the latest available date in the case of pre-sold items in the order; unless otherwise agreed between the seller and the customer (payment for two deliveries, for example). It may happen that we dispatch the order without the presales, on our sole decision, and these will then be the subject of a credit note only.

In the event of unavailability of the product ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible. We will offer you a product at an equivalent price or a credit note.

We cannot be held responsible for delays in delivery times during busy periods (end-of-year holidays, large numbers of products issued at the same time, etc.), nor in the event of force majeure or carrier delays.

In the event of delivery problems, please note that no claims will be accepted after 6 months from the date of dispatch.

4.3 Delivery charges

Delivery charges are calculated automatically as you add items to your basket. These costs take into account postal charges, packaging, preparation time, weight, volume, product price, current taxes, etc.

They may change at any time without notice.
4.4 Le suivi de la livraison

Vous pouvez suivre en ligne votre livraison dans la rubrique "mon compte", en inscrivant le numéro de suivi disponible sur les détails de votre commande sur le site du service postal : https://www.laposte.fr/particulier/outils/suivre-vos-envois.

Lorsque que nous procédons à l’expédition de votre commande, vous êtes prévenus par e-mail. Il vous appartient alors de suivre l’acheminement de votre commande et de nous contacter par e-mail ou formulaire de contact en cas de non réception dans un délai raisonnable (la livraison par le service postal peut parfois prendre 15 jours).


5.   Le prix et les produits

Les prix de nos produits sont indiqués en euros toutes taxes comprises (TVA française et autres taxes applicables). Ils comprennent notamment les frais de traitement de votre commande et s’entendent hors frais de livraison.

Les éventuelles réductions s’affichent soit directement sous forme de prix barré, soit sous forme de réduction dans le panier. Les clients ne peuvent exiger l’application de réductions ou offres qui ne seraient pas encore ou plus en vigueur au moment de passer leur commande.

En cas de conditions ou remises particulières accordées à un client, celui-ci est tenu de garder le secret sur celles-ci, même si cela n’aboutit à aucune transaction.

Les prix des produits, en particulier ceux contenant des métaux précieux, peuvent varier à tout moment et sans préavis.

Si vous demandez une livraison hors du territoire français, votre commande pourra être soumise à des taxes éventuelles et à des droits de douane lorsqu'elle arrivera à destination.

Le paiement de ces droits et de ces taxes relève de votre responsabilité et nous vous invitons à vous renseigner auprès des autorités compétentes de votre pays. Vous devez également vérifier les possibilités d’importation ou d’utilisation des produits que vous nous commandez dans le pays de destination. La SARL Euros d’Ici et d’Ailleurs – BORDEAUX ne pourra en être tenue responsable.

Les produits sont décrits le plus précisément possible sur chaque page-produit qui présente les caractéristiques essentielles (sur la base des informations fournies par l’Institut émetteur ou le fournisseur d’accessoires). Ces caractéristiques ne sont toutefois pas contractuelles.

La vente est réalisée dans la limite des stocks disponibles. Nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables des ruptures de stock et pourrons dans ce cas être amenés à adresser un avoir au client pour le ou les produits non livrables du fait de cette rupture.

Pour certains produits et/ou certaines catégories de clients et/ou certaines situations, nous pouvons être amenés à limiter le nombre d’exemplaires par client ou foyer. Nous nous autorisons à prendre toute mesure nécessaire pour faire appliquer cette condition. Toute tentative de contournement de cette règle nous autorisera également à prendre les mesures jugées utiles à l’encontre du ou des clients concernés.


6. Payment methods and security features

We collect your payment when the transaction is completed.

6.1 Payment methods

There are several ways to pay for your purchases on www.eurosnumismate.com

- By debit card: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, other credit cards.

Payment is made via the secure bank servers of our partners (Systempay). This means that no banking information concerning you is transmitted via our site.

Payment by credit card is therefore perfectly secure; your order will be recorded and validated as soon as the bank accepts your payment.

However, we reserve the right to refuse any payment that we consider suspicious.

- By cheque: payments by cheque are accepted (French cheques only) for orders of less than €100 (including delivery charges). Any cheque received for a higher amount will be systematically destroyed and the corresponding order cancelled. For the first payment by cheque, we ask the customer to send us a copy of an identity document in the same name as the cheque. Payment by cheque may result in a longer delivery time, notably due to the expiry of the bank collection period.

- By bank transfer: we provide our bank details (IBAN and BIC) so that the customer can make payment by bank transfer to their bank.

- By PayPal: THIS METHOD OF PAYMENT IS NOT ACCEPTED FOR PRESALE ITEMS AND INVESTMENT PIECES and/or ITEMS IN THE CATEGORY: "Gold & Silver / Bullions. Any order going against this condition will be systematically cancelled (see paragraph 7 and article L. 221-28).

6.2 Sécurité

Les paiements via notre site font l'objet d´un système de sécurisation. Pour vous protéger contre une éventuelle intrusion, nous ne stockons pas les numéros de carte bancaire sur nos serveurs informatiques.

L’intégralité de notre site internet est sécurisé (HTTPS) dans le respect des normes en vigueur.

6.3 Abonnement

Pour les abonnements, le prix sera prélevé sur votre compte à la périodicité prévue dans votre abonnement. La livraison des produits de l’abonnement ne se fera que sous réserve de bonne réception du paiement.

L’absence de paiement à l’échéance pourra entraîner l’application d’intérêts au taux légal, sans autre formalité préalable.


7.   Satisfied or your money back: how to exercise your right of withdrawal

In accordance with legal provisions, you may exercise your right of withdrawal within 14 days of receiving your product. You do not have to justify your decision or pay any penalty. With the exception of the cost of returning the goods, which remains at your expense, we will reimburse all sums paid for returned goods within 14 days of your withdrawal (subject to receipt of undamaged goods in their original packaging to enable us to remarket them). At our suggestion, you may also opt for another method of reimbursement (credit note, exchange, etc.).

In the case of subscriptions, the withdrawal period runs from delivery of the products for each periodicity. Any retraction for a product of a subscription means cancellation of the subscription to the collection to which the returned product belongs.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal for a product that is part of a batch, the withdrawal will be valid for the entire batch and you must therefore return the complete batch.

The right of withdrawal lapses as soon as the product blister packs are opened.

Subscriptions may be cancelled or discontinued at any time by the customer by means of a simple e-mail message or contact form. Automatic payments will then be suspended.

The right of withdrawal does not exist in the case of products whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market (precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, etc.) over which we have no influence and which may occur at very short notice (during the withdrawal period). By placing an order for this category of currencies, the customer accepts that he/she cannot exercise his/her right of withdrawal in accordance with the French Consumer Code (article L. 121-20-2). There is therefore no right of withdrawal when purchasing bullion coins. This applies to all products in the "bullion coins" category and to all other precious metal products outside this category. For these reasons, payment via Paypal is not compatible with the purchase of bullion coins (gold, silver, platinum) or bars.


8.   La durée du contrat et de validité du prix

Les prix tiennent compte de la T.V.A. (Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée) applicable au jour de la commande et tout changement du taux applicable de T.V.A. sera automatiquement répercuté sur le prix des produits en vente sur www.eurosnumismate.com.

Les produits demeurent l’entière propriété de la SARL EUROS D'ICI ET D'AILLEURS jusqu’au complet encaissement du prix par la SARL EUROS D'ICI ET D'AILLEURS.

Nos offres de prix ne sont valables que dans la double limite de la durée de validité de l’offre concernée et des stocks disponibles.

Nos offres de biens et de prix sont valables s’ils figurent en ligne sur le site au jour de la commande.


9.   Propriété intellectuelle

Ce site et l'ensemble de son contenu (logo, graphismes, textes, photos...) sont notre propriété et ne peuvent donc être copiés, diffusés, exploités, représentés, utilisés ou reproduits sans notre accord préalable, sous peine d'action judiciaire. L’accès à notre site ne transfère nullement la propriété intellectuelle de celui-ci qui reste notre propriété exclusive (intellectuelle et droits connexes).

Le renvoi ou l’insertion de liens internet vers notre site (accueil ou page ou partie de page de notre site) doit faire l’objet d’une demande d’autorisation préalable écrite auprès de notre société.

Les échanges par e-mail sont strictement confidentiels. Toute copie, même partielle d'échanges entre la SARL Euros d'Ici et d'Ailleurs - Bordeaux et une personne physique, entreprise ou association est strictement interdite. Le non-respect de cette interdiction entrainera des poursuites.


10. Informations nominatives

Nous collectons vos informations nominatives pour la gestion de vos commandes et le suivi de nos relations commerciales. Elles peuvent être retransmises à nos partenaires exclusivement pour l'exécution de vos commandes, conformément aux présentes conditions générales.

Vous pouvez donc être amené à recevoir nos offres commerciales (newsletters) ou autres informations sur l’adresse e-mail associée à votre compte client.

Conformément à la loi informatique et libertés du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de suppression, de rectification et d’opposition aux données personnelles vous concernant. Il vous suffit de nous écrire en ligne ou par courrier à l'adresse figurant en haut des présentes, en nous indiquant vos nom, prénom, adresse électronique, adresse postale ; ou encore en suivant le lien de désabonnement présent sur nos newsletters.


11. Utilisation de cookies

 Pour permettre une navigation fluide sur notre e-boutique, il est possible que le site implante un ou des cookies sur votre ordinateur. Ceux-ci permettent de stocker des informations de navigation et des données complétées par le client.

Le client autorise donc par l’acceptation des présentes conditions, l’implantation de cookies sur son disque dur par notre site.

Le client conserve la faculté de bloquer, supprimer ou modifier la durée de conservation des cookies dans les paramètres de son navigateur internet.

Nous tenons à informer le client que la désactivation par défaut des cookies peut entraîner des dysfonctionnements ou impossibilités dans l’utilisation de notre site, ce pour quoi nous ne serons pas responsables.


12.   Législation applicable / Juridiction compétente

Les présentes conditions sont soumises à la loi française.

Toute difficulté qui surviendrait dans l’exécution du contrat de vente ou dans l’application de ces conditions générales devra faire l’objet en premier lieu d’un recours amiable directement auprès de notre société.

En cas d’échec, le client pourra saisir la plateforme de résolution des conflits mise en place par la Commission européenne : https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=FR ou bien le Médiateur de la consommation https://www.economie.gouv.fr/mediation-conso.

A défaut de résolution par cette procédure amiable, et en dernier recours, les tribunaux français seront seuls compétents. En l'occurrence, ce sont les tribunaux de Bordeaux qui pourront être saisis de ces litiges.


13.   Nous contacter / service après-vente

Si vous souhaitez nous contacter, notre service clientèle est à votre disposition ici.

Pour toute information relative au suivi de votre commande, rendez-vous sur votre compte client.